SEO stands for search engine optimization and involves making certain changes to your website to make it more appealing for search engines to list your web pages higher up the search engine ranking pages (SERPs). There are three different types of SEO that include On-page SEO, Off-page SEO, and technical SEO. You will need to pay attention to all three areas to carry out a successful SEO strategy for your website.
The good news is if you’re using a website builder the technical SEO has already been taken care of so you only need to focus on On-page and Off-page SEO. However, some platforms have done better than others with technical SEO. If you want to find out more head to the SEO section in each of our in-depth reviews for our own analysis.
There are lots of things that you can do to your website to optimize for search engines. Conducting keyword research, writing great (link-worthy) content, and optimizing titles to include relevant keywords is just the beginning. There’s too much to talk about to fit it all here. So, instead, we’ve written an article detailing everything you need to know about SEO on website builders packed full of tips on how to improve your rankings.
Read more about how to improve your SEO >
Some of the website builders have a great technical SEO foundation with the ability for users to make edits to important On-page SEO features such as HTML headings, Friendly URLs, image alt tags, and much more. Whereas others have been poorly designed and will make it difficult for your website to rank well. We reveal all in our in-depth reviews and provide a detailed summary of the SEO audits we carry out on every brand we assess.
The upkeep of our site is made possible thanks to the advertising fee we charge featured website builders whenever a visitor completes a purchase through sponsored affiliate links. Financial incentives may impact the ranking itself and/or the score given. The scores assigned to featured brands are exclusively determined by The scoring and rankings are not regulated in any way and should be used by readers as guidance only.